Outokumpu’s living villages

Vivid village of Viuruniemi
The population of Outokumpu’s southernmost village, Viuruniemi, located on the shores of Lake Juojärvi, at least doubles in summer with the arrival of cottagers. The town’s beach Isäntähiekka is a popular swimming spot in the summer among locals and summer guests. The village has preserved old building stock, for example the thatched houses typical of the area.
In the hustle and bustle of the Kervilä farm, there is a week-long summer cafe and exhibitions with changing themes. In addition to the village association, activities are also organized by the local association, the hunting club and the fishing community. Lypsyniemi village hall is everyone’s common base. The village house is also rented for various purposes.

Peace of nature in Rikkaranta
The village of Rikkaranta is located on the shore of lake Rikkavesi, and the village landscape is crossed by rocky hills and meadows. In the beautiful scenery of the village, there is a four-kilometer scenic hiking route, which the actively functioning Rikkavesi village association will be happy to guide. There is also a route of 30 geocaches in the area.
Exhibitions, theater, talks, parties and joint events are organized in the village. In winter, the village association maintains the ski slope, taking the weather conditions into account. Rikkaranta fish water cooperative also operates in the area. The village has 220 inhabitants.
A specialty in the village is a straw bale house built for common use. The construction technology of the house is the only one of its kind in Eastern Finland and the house can accommodate 20 people for parties or meetings. Rikkavesi was chosen as North Karelia’s Village of the Year in 2020. It’s worth checking out!